Don’t feel like you have to be constantly productive. Doing what brings you joy or provides an escape is good for your well-being.

Allow beauty into your life. Paint, write, sew, or engage in the creative arts. Take an online tour of a museum.

Live music makes people happy, and you don’t have to miss out on it during social distancing.

Movies & TV
Whether you want to laugh, cry, learn, or be scared, discover a new show or classic movie.

Tackle your “to-read” shelf on your bookcase or check-out the latest book from your favorite author.
Each week, Newcomb Art Museum of Tulane University provides new digital content as part of the worldwide #MuseumFromHome movement.
My family and I are alternating between a new show – This is Us – and one of our favorites – Downton Abbey.
I am using my Ninja blender to enjoy healthy smoothies!
I’ve been doing Beachbody onDemand workouts and started a Barre workout.
My family and I have been taking bike rides and having porch picnics.
My family and I have been ordering from Top Box Foods and cooking together.
We have been walking around City Park, including the nature trails.
My family and I have been having outside time on our porch with a kiddie pool for my one-year-old and cookouts.
In times of high anxiety and stress, or, if one is simply feeling fatigued, you can practice engaging your Sympathetic or Parasympathetic Nervous System. For example, left nostril breathing helps one to reduce feelings of anxiousness, and right nostril breathing can help increase one’s energy. To calm your feelings of anxiety, frustration and/or panic, simply take your right hand, and with your right thumb, close your right nostril. Inhale deeply out of your left nostril for a count of 5 seconds, try to hold that inhale for 5 seconds, and that follow that with a 5 second exhale, all while still holding your right nostril closed. Try this for approximately 3 minutes in order to welcome more serenity and relaxation into your being.